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 Vision and Action



Are you looking to build strength and spiritual wealth?


Are you looking  for  INTEGRATION support ?


Are you looking for support and guidance so you don't give up in your life after your spiritual Awakening?


Maybe you already took many times different kind of sacred medicines, and you are finding new challenges you are not sure how to face them?.


 Still repeating  old negative patterns? 


After sharing medicines for more than 7 years, today we are more focused and dedicated to the processes and experiences of integration, to working in detail within ourselves to polish the jewel that each one keeps inside.


Sadhanas are devotional practices of self-love and the Creator, they serve to forge discipline, rhythm, devotion, and above all investment of your time and energy to create the reality you desire. It is the true pilgrimage back to oneself to integrate and deprogram all obsolete beliefs and also activate new codes that allow you to embody a new consciousness.


It turns out that today more than ever, the priority work of every being is to invest all their energies in themselves and from within. It is well known that beyond the egoic character that each person creates to interact with the outside, there is the essential, infinite and divine Being that lives in each of us; This is the one that keeps the original program of the Christ consciousness, which is the consciousness of true love, value, virtue, sovereignty and unity.


The souls that we have already awakened find ourselves on an arduous and beautiful path of purification because we know that we must continue purifying everything that no longer serves the new era, which means that we are in a process of deprogramming everything that for millennia It was programmed in us in a distorted and unconscious way, and it has caused us so much damage. It is time to purge everything that corresponds to the old era and activate all the information and codes of this New Golden Age and activate our Light bodies.


We must repair, restore and resume the true path that leads our energy towards the manifestation of the true desires of the heart and change, one by one, each paradigm that is operating in reverse, that corresponds to The Age of Aquarius, the astrological event. evolutionary time that our galaxy is transitioning, this era practically invites us to awaken The Inner Master and live from the heart.


The time has come to reconnect with what is true, with our sacred desires and with our soul's purpose. Therefore, it is necessary and fundamental to prioritize the purification process to dissolve everything that no longer serves the consciousness of Human Lua, and embody everything that does serve to elevate life and illuminate.


That is why I offer you accompaniment to create an EFFECTIVE devotional spiritual practice of Reprogramming to encode new habits, chosen from your purest consciousness, that direct you towards what your Soul truly seeks. So that there are no leaks, and rather you consciously focus on building a new full reality based on true love and new values.



The Sadhna, which means discipline in a Hindu dialect. It is the spiritual and devotional practice that every being must cultivate to connect with their greatness and the divine light of their being, and consists of carrying out a daily practice for a certain number of days, which activates and embodies certain information of the true original program. , installing new neural networks and programs that create new habits and forms of expression.

The truth is that spirituality is what our Being enjoys the most, which is why it is beautiful to do them because it is a practice of self-love that becomes the most beautiful and powerful relationship you can experience, likewise portals open to channel messages from the divinity so that everything is ordered. It is something very natural, however with so many barriers that we have put up to protect ourselves, we have contracted our ability to live it and it can involve a certain challenge at first, which is perfect because this is precisely what we require, leaving our comfort zone. ..

It is an essential step. There is no savior outside of us. We are everything we seek and it is necessary to know the laws of the universe and take the reins of our life to transform it and give life to a new humanity. . Sadhana is pure technology of Light.


Each case is unique, we are star seeds that choose to experience this wonderful, unprecedented event. Do not miss it!


Your Sadhana can include chanting, yoga, meditations, movement, essential oils, numerology, sounds, oracles, microdosing and more...


I am a Hatha and Kundalini Yoga instructor, and one of the Masters of this path, reminded us that tithing refers to giving your 10% of your most precious energy to the Church, to God, which is correct, it makes sense, but where We were deceived is that it had to be given to an external institution. This tithe is to invest in yourself, God lives within you, your body is your Temple, your spirit and your soul live there. Therefore, the key is to dedicate at least 10% of your day to The God who lives within you. It is necessary to bring Light each day to our body to receive revelation, strength and clarity.

There is no one else who will do it for you. I offer you loving support so that you learn to work with yourself in an effective and powerful way.





Includes: a 120-minute zoom call at the beginning, WhatsApp accompaniment, and the precise guide to your personalized sadhana


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